"Youth Rising through Innovative Learning to Life-Long Leadership"
Rebirth Empowerment Academy
The Rebirth Empowerment Academy offers two Academy sessions during the calendar year. Our "We Merge" Pre-Academy retreat also occurs twice per year - the weekend prior to the start of each academy session
"We Merge" Pre-Academy Retreat
Our pre-retreat occurs the preceding Saturday of the start of each academy session. EX: Saturday October 4 = pre-retreat, Monday October 6 = Academy session begins.
The Saturday pre-retreat schedule is 8:30 am to 7:00 pm. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR MORE INFORMATION ON PRE-ACADEMY PREPARATION.
Session 1
Session 2
The beginning of March through Mid-May. OPEN APPLICATION begins January 2 and Closes January 31.
Beginning October through Mid-December. OPEN APPLICATION begins May 1 and Closes Sept 15.
- You can download the current pre-retreat and full academy session schedule PDF file Here